Coming Up With Fresh Topic Ideas For An Extended Essay On World History

If you’re looking for extended essay topics to improve your academic standing, this is the best article that you should be reading right now. We will try to give you some tips on what topics to write about when it comes to your dissertation and how you can preserve them in such a way that could easily be understood by your panel.

Choosing the Right Topic

The first thing that you need to do is to recognize the kind of topic that would capture the reader’s interests. Fortunately for you, an interesting topic has already been set. This is history. Now the question would be what about history are you going to write on?

History in itself is a rich topic to write on. This is why you should definitely seek the help of external resources to make your research more extensive enough to warrant an even more intensive read. Here are some examples of various topics that you can work on with history as your backdrop.

  • You can talk about the biased nature of recorded history. Comparing what has been recorded versus what really happened.
  • Additionally, you can write about the development of certain ideologies in history. Information on ideologies like Marxism or socialism can be a great help to society for sure.
  • You can also do the comparative study of the differences similarities among the histories of Middle Eastern countries.
  • In addition to this, you can also study symbolisms in Victorian literature as it is related to the said point in time. Are there any similarities and differences between the two?
  • You can also talk about certain events in history and how it has affected the modern world today. A specific example would be the history of Hitler and how he came to power.
  • You can also write about the history of war and how people can possibly prevent it. You can make recommendations as to how you can prevent the beginnings of the war in your home country in your own little way.


These are just some of the major topics that you can use for your extended essay. Remember that the topic you choose should be rich and filled with social relevance. This way, the lessons learned from your study will be able to resonate in the modern day. People should be able to learn from the history of your study should end up teaching them how history can serve as an example to lead and make the country a better place.

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